Article in Stretton Focus, December 2014
If you are a supporter of that particular football team, you will be happy to accept my title as a simple statement of fact – which the other teams in the Premiership would do well to recognise. But if, in spite of Bill Shankley, you believe there are more serious things in life than ‘the beautiful game’, you will want to pause and give the title more thought.
Any use of the word God should immediately raise the question of what is meant by that word. For me, the word God is a mystical concept which humans have created to account for the existence of all things – including ourselves. It is there to give a sense of direction, purpose and meaning to life.
Unfortunately religions have generally objectified the word, and made God into somebody – usually male, somewhere in the universe – who from time to time intervenes in world affairs. Religions have also done terrible things in the name of their God, and they have created theologies which in today’s world are simplistic, naïve and sometimes dangerous.
Religions need to repent much of their past, and find new ways of understanding how God and Man can be united. The only place where we can be united is in our humanity – that is in who we are and what we do, think and feel.
The Christmas story can be seen as a focal point for this idea. We can think of Jesus as representing all humanity; and being an ideal example of God and Man united. This should not be made into theological doctrines and creeds, to be believed in – or else! The thought of God and Man united should be regarded as an ideal which can inspire us to pursue the programme which Jesus started. And, with that idea in mind, we can look forward to celebrating his birth on Christmas Day.
Donald Horsfield